Design and interior ideas

Furniture for a small apartment, transformable furniture in the design of a small apartment (photo)


It is clear that the interior of a small apartment does not tolerate bulky furniture and useless, large decorative elements. Therefore, we offer you a list of ergonomic furniture that will make even the smallest apartment cozy and functional..

Bedroom furniture

Furniture for a sleeping area, even if it is an area for two, cannot include a traditional, wide bed. But unconventional – maybe! Thus, you can opt for either a transforming bed, which serves as a sofa for the living area during the day, or buy a bed on the second tier, which allows you to use the space under it..


The living area, in this case, can be located directly under the sleeping area. Here it is possible to put either a small sofa for guests, or (which is even more convenient) arrange a couple of bean bag chairs, which not only save space, but also differ in their practicality – you can always move them, if necessary.


However, when planning the living room, you need to make sure that it can be cleaned quickly and without problems, on your own or with the help of a cleaning company, without moving all the furniture..


Work zone

The working area, traditionally, includes a comfortable table and chair. But the interior of a small apartment cannot always afford such a luxury. But, if you are one of those who have to work from home, then this turns into a necessity. Therefore, as a table, you can equip a window sill, and make a comfortable ottoman with an office chair, which will take up much less space..


Book lovers may complain that the design of a small apartment forces them to get rid of their favorite books – there is simply nowhere to store. But, in fact, this is not at all necessary. You can plan your interior to fit an entire bookcase into it. Just place it not along the wall, but perpendicular to it. Then the rack will fulfill not only its original purpose, but also serve as a separator between the zones of the room. But here we will allow ourselves to give you a little advice: give preference to open models, without back and side walls. It will make your interior feel more airy..


A full-fledged, large wardrobe and the interior of a small apartment are things that are practically incompatible. Therefore, you have several alternatives. The first is to equip a real wardrobe in the pantry. The second is to give preference to a roomy chest of drawers. Well, and the third one is to make a small, corner wardrobe with mirrored doors. This option is not suitable for everyone, since it is the most expensive of the above. But, in this way, you will save space on a large mirror, and also visually expand the space of the room..


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