Design and interior ideas

Small does not mean tight! A new approach to home office design and furnishing

Very often when speaking «cabinet» a huge room with an oak table and massive filing cabinets appears in our minds. But today, many people prefer to work from home and equip their office on literally two square meters. And, believe me, working in such a home office is no worse than in a huge office.!

A new approach to home office design and furnishing. Home office photo

A home office isn’t just for those who work from home – kids doing their homework, adults reading news on the internet – they all need a place to focus on their work. And such a solution is possible even in a small apartment..


Why do you need a home office?

An activity for which you may need an office at home is any work that you do at a desk or at a computer: whether it is writing articles or promoting websites, it does not matter – it is important that you feel comfortable. Therefore, start your home office design with what you will be doing.


If all you need is a computer, a very small desk will suffice. Choose a corner in the apartment where children will not bother you, TV, sunlight will not fall on the monitor. You can position your home office in a niche or even in a closet so you can close it from prying eyes when not in use.

A window sill is also suitable for organizing a small and compact home office: by expanding the window sill, you can organize a full-fledged table on it, and in the niche under it – storage systems for documents and stationery.


Effective work is key

If the rest of your interior can be just beautiful, the office should be functional. The most important thing is that you can work efficiently, so think through the most important functional points:

to make it comfortable for you to sit in front of the computer;

the place for storing documents should be convenient;

the most essential items must be on the surface and within reach;

lighting, which is convenient to work at any time of the day.


Hanging shelves and open shelves are very practical for a small home office: there is a place on them for both functional things and decor items. Thus, you can strike a balance between beautiful and comfortable office interior design..


If you like fresh flowers, be sure to put a flowerpot with a flowering plant or a bouquet of cut flowers on your desktop: such little things are designed to remind us that life is not only work, but work itself can be a pleasure!

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