Design and interior ideas

Feng Shui furniture arrangement

To bring your home to harmony, to ensure the correct and favorable movement of energy flows, to attract prosperity and abundance, simple advice on arranging furniture in Feng Shui will help.

arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui


For a bedroom, the most important thing in the arrangement of Feng Shui furniture is to set the bed correctly. The state of health of the sleeper depends primarily on the location of the sleeping place. Considering that sleep takes up a large share of everyone’s life, the question of a good sleep seems to be quite serious..

Bedroom Feng Shui gives several basic guidelines:

  • the bed should not be located next to the wall adjacent to the bath or bathroom;
  • you need to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui so that the bed is not opposite the door;
  • the direction of sharp corners should not be directed towards sleeping;
  • the arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui excludes the installation of shelves, cabinets and other hinged structures over the head of vacationers – migraines, increased anxiety and poor sleep are possible;
  • the presence of mirrors in the bedroom must be minimized, if they are present, the bed should not be reflected on their surface at any angle.

Feng Shui furniture arrangement


For children’s rooms, the same principles of arrangement of furniture in Feng Shui work. A minimum of sharp corners, more rounded shapes. In addition, it should be especially noted, the negative influence that Feng Shui of the nursery ascribes to all overhanging structures.

For children, if there is more than one in the house, double beds are often chosen. The bunk bed design is space-saving and quite popular. The principles of arranging furniture in Feng Shui are categorically against such a technique, for the following reasons:

  • pressure from above can cause unmotivated fears in the child;
  • may increase anxiety and nervousness, nightmares;
  • the child who will sleep on the lower bed will be led;
  • “locked” space influences the strengthening of the tendency to develop claustrophobia. 

Feng Shui furniture arrangement


Entrance zones in standard apartments are not too voluminous, so it may not work out to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui according to all the rules, but you can take into account the basic principles. The front door should not hit other doors or furniture when opened.

It is not worth placing a mirror opposite the front door. All energy comes through the main door in the house, it feeds households, gives prosperity and comfort. The mirror will reflect all new energy and “not let” into the house.

Feng Shui furniture arrangement

Living room

Recommendations for arranging Feng Shui furniture in a common room:

  • the table should be round – this is a harmonious shape that unites all family members;
  • according to the feng shui of the living room, the sofa and armchairs should not be installed under the window;
  • there should not be any hanging shelves or consoles above your favorite armchair or sofa;
  • sharp corners should not be directed to the places in the room where you are most.

Feng Shui furniture arrangement


To arrange furniture in Feng Shui, you need to take into account the interaction of the elements. Water and Fire should not be close. In a word, in a Feng Shui kitchen, your stove and oven should be removed from the washing machine, dishwasher and sink..

Feng Shui furniture arrangement

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