Bathroom Design and interior ideas

4 tips for choosing furniture for a small bathroom (photo)

4 tips for choosing furniture for a small bathroom

«Though small, but your own» – so it can be said about a small bathroom in a typical apartment. True, a small bathroom behind the wall is better than a large shared one in the corridor. Therefore, a modest toilet / bathroom area is not a reason for sadness, it is a reason to read today’s article of the magazine «Your interior» and choose the most suitable furniture for a small privacy room.

1. Use the corners

Since furniture manufacturers began to produce corner cabinets, washbasin stands and so on, the problem of cramped bathrooms has become an easily solvable problem. Agree, a corner bathroom cabinet will take up much less space than a rectangular counterpart. By the way, even plumbing can be angular – try to use this to your advantage.

4 tips for choosing furniture for a small bathroom

 4 tips for choosing furniture for a small bathroom

2. Give up floor-standing cabinets

If the bathroom is sorely lacking in space, then it is better to completely abandon floor cabinets and cabinets. Below we will talk about alternative solutions, but, even in extreme cases, you can get by with a shelf and a hanger with essentials (towels, sealed soap, a glass of toothbrushes and toothpaste, and so on). Everything else can be brought with you to the bathroom as needed.

4 tips for choosing furniture for a small bathroom

3. Use the top of the room

Buy tall and narrow furniture. For example, if in your bathroom there is a place for a small bedside table, then it would be much more rational to buy a narrow pencil case to the ceiling in its place, the capacity of which will be twice as large. If there is no space on the floor at all, then use hanging modules and cabinets – it’s also convenient (especially if the cabinet doors are mirrored). In any case, leaving unused space under the ceiling and complaining about the tightness is unwise.

4 tips for choosing furniture for a small bathroom

4. Make comfortable niches

A great alternative to bedside tables, shelves and other furniture, «eating» the space of the bathroom is a niche. If the previous owners of your apartment did not think of such a brilliant move or you happened to move into a new building, then you can easily make niches with your own hands. This can be one large recess in the wall, divided into compartments by shelves and closed by a door – so, you get a full-fledged built-in cabinet. Alternatively, you can make several small niches where your colored bottles of shampoos, bath foams, sea salts and body oils will be stored – this is not only convenient, but also beautiful (For heightened effect, you can use well-insulated lighting).

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