Relaxation Paradise: 25 Stunning Garden Pond Design Ideas
A pond in the garden or backyard adds an extra element of beauty and tranquility. Its main task is to show beautiful aquatic plants, although fish, such as carp, can also be found in large bodies of water. Here are 25 amazing ideas to help you create the perfect place to relax and unwind.
The large pond in the backyard is paved with slabs that form a patio.
Small pond with a small fountain. Thick grass and various figurines adorn the stone shores of the reservoir.
The design of artificial reservoirs provides many different elements that will help to fit them into the landscape of the garden or yard. These are fountains, statues, waterfalls, and boulders. Some boast stunning lighting, unique finishes and even streams that add to the pond’s appeal..
Japanese garden with a stone lantern and a heron figurine on the shore.
The whole structure is limited by huge boulders, between which the grass grows
Not all plants are suitable for growing in an artificial pond. In many ways, their choice is determined by the depth and size of the reservoir. Plants are divided into three groups: submerged, semi-submerged and floating on the surface. Submerged is a species that lives under water, some of which have leaves and flowers that stretch to the surface, such as lilies. They are also called oxygen generators because they produce oxygen for the fish in the pond. Semi-submerged plants have only roots under water. These are irises, lotuses, cattails, reeds. The third type of floating plants is not tied to the soil in any way. In artificial reservoirs, they are often used to suppress algae growth..
Pond in the garden
A small reservoir, consisting of two parts, connected by a waterfall. Each of them has a small umbrella fountain. The whole pond is surrounded by stones, thanks to which the black shape is not visible. Petunias, hosts and lilies are planted on the shore. Several lilies float on the surface.
Big pond with waterfall
A large reservoir with a three-stage waterfall. Evergreens and daffodils are planted around it.
Small pond with fountain
A small but deep pond with a fountain, from which circles spread over the surface. Round stones laid out along the edge form the shore. Green plants and cornflower are planted around.
Small pond in the backyard
Small pond in the backyard with small fish, lilies, pebbles and pistia. The shore is lined with large square boulders and smaller round stones.
Pond in a japanese garden
A stunning garden pond with amazing Japanese maples, flowering shrubs and dense grass. Large carps swim in the reservoir itself.
Simple pond with a small fountain
A simple reservoir with a small fountain surrounded by stones. Daylily and other plants are planted around. A metal figurine of a heron is installed on the shallows.
Shallow body of water with a cascading waterfall
The shallow body of water boasts a cascading waterfall built into a stone wall. The banks of the pond are connected by a narrow wooden bridge.
Pond with fish
A simple body of water with a few fish and lilies. But along the entire structure there are several small cascades.
Japanese garden pond
A large pond in a Japanese garden with dense grass growing on its banks. Carps live in the water.
Round pool in the garden
Round pool in the garden in the middle of the lawn. Flower pots with daffodils are placed around its perimeter.
Pond with waterfall
A tiled path leads to a more natural looking pond. A wide waterfall flows into the main reservoir.
Pond with a large waterfall
In this case, the main focus is on a large waterfall falling into a small shallow pond..
The original pond in two parts
The original reservoir, consisting of two parts, is equipped with a small stone fountain at the top. The banks are planted with tulips and other plants.
Green pond in the garden
A green pond in the garden with small maples on either side. A small stream flows into the reservoir, through which you can go on a wooden bridge.
Stunning pond with crystal clear water
A stunning pond with crystal clear water, huge boulders and bamboo growing in between.
Deep body of water at the foot of the hill
A deep reservoir at the foot of the hill is formed by a cascading waterfall.
Shallow pond in the garden
A shallow pond in the garden with a few ornamental stones and grass growing right among the pebbles surrounding the pond. There is also a small clay Japanese lantern..
Small pond in the garden with a fountain
Small pond in the garden with a fountain in the middle. The shore is decorated with large stones, among which there are bushes and thick grass.
Fish pond
The fish pond is surrounded by amazing maples and hedges.
Small pond with a stream
A very small pond is formed by a small stream that flows into it. A low wall of stone blocks rises above the reservoir.
A simple blue pond with a tall fountain
A simple blue pond with a high fountain in the middle is decorated with bright flowers. It looks harmoniously in a large garden, turning into its integral element. And it also fits perfectly into the in-depth lounge area, making it comfortable and beautiful.