
Decorative moss in the interior of the veranda of your summer house

Covering garden items with moss

Alone with nature

A very interesting effect can be achieved if you decorate the furniture on the veranda or pillows with a cloth that imitates moss..

The fabric is so much like moss that even being close to the composition it is difficult to understand that this is not a real plant..

Moreover, it is very pleasant to the touch. She can even cover the sun loungers by the pool. This design fits organically into almost any site design.

Wonderful covering of moss garden items

Bright covering of garden items from moss

A delightful moss garden cover

Bright covering of garden items from moss

Stunning moss gardening items

Unique covering of moss garden items

Wonderful covering of moss garden items

Unique covering of garden items from moss

Original covering of items for the garden from moss

Amazing moss gardening items

Chic covering of items for the garden from moss

Luxurious covering of moss garden items

Amazing moss gardening items

Modern moss gardening

Stunning moss gardening items

Extraordinary covering of items for the garden from moss

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