We start every new day from the bedroom, and what it will be like today largely depends on the main and secondary shades of the interior chosen by you. In our articles, we often talk about how to choose the right gamut of colors for different living quarters, so that as a result, they fully reveal all the best, taking away the shortcomings of a particular room..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Today we will reveal the basic rules for the selection of the correct color solution for the bedroom and show you what techniques will help improve the impression of the existing interior..
How to choose a bedroom color
In the process of creating the interior of your dream bedroom, stop in the impulse to embody the incredible image of the room from the design magazine and consider whether it is possible to repeat this experience in your environment. It may happen that the perfect cover bedroom, made using deep contrasting combinations, requires a lot of space with high ceilings, large windows and several lighting fixtures, which is quite problematic in a standard two-room apartment..
Estimate the real dimensions of the bedroom
Try to look at your bedroom soberly and not biased, weigh all the possibilities and disadvantages of the layout. Think about whether to paint a small area of 18 square meters. in complex tones if dark furniture is already installed in the room.
Remember, the smaller the bedroom, the lighter, it is easier to use colors and shades, finding harmonious natural combinations: pink and gray, baked milk and blue, white and pale green, silver gray and washed out blue or wine.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
In the case where the bedroom space is sufficient and the walls «do not restrain movement», you can use the contrast of light and dark shades of the same range (cream, sand and brown, burgundy, gray and pale pink), or find unusual color solutions with different tones (terracotta and turquoise, gold and wine, white and lemon with black splashes).
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Measure the amount of daylight
Of course, not literally, but only visually, that is, depending on the location of the windows of the room, draw a conclusion which colors of thermal saturation will be the best option for your room. So, the bedroom on the north side should be made lighter and warmer by choosing the appropriate shades: peach, cream, light coral, natural herbal, sunny yellow, white with natural earth tones.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
The southern location, on the contrary, allows you to cool the bedroom somewhat with cool combinations of sea wave, white and silver, crimson, light blue and pearl.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
The smaller the number and size of windows, the lighter you should choose the color of the room and take care of proper artificial lighting. Dark tones will inevitably make the bedroom look smaller and darker..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Match color with style
When the problem of lighting or small dimensions does not arise, the question of choosing a color scheme for a bedroom is solved by using a specific style of the room, which is often decisive..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
For example, the classic style favored by a large audience implies the use of natural light shades for the walls (sand, pale green, light blue, cream, ivory) in combination with dark tones of solid furniture and white stucco elements.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Ethnic trends welcome great freedom to choose lively saturated shades, sometimes bold combinations of yellow, gold and burgundy, blue with white and black, cold blue-green.
The style of the Scandinavian countries, with their purity and light, requires attracting a lot of white, light gray and woody shades, diluted with bright accessories of red, blue or green tones.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Color options
Gray at the base. Shades of gray in the bedroom
We love the restraint of gray for the possibilities in interior design it gives us. The diversity and variability of this achromatic color is amazing, and the use of its three different shades in one room creates the volume and finished image of the room.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
In addition, if you use gray as the main one for the bedroom, you can complement it with accessories of other colors of cold or warm colors, guided by your mood, season or occasion..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Aristocratic blue
Some may think that blue in the bedroom looks too restrained, and is more suitable for an office, office or hallway. This is a matter of taste, but the popularity of stylish blue does not disappear, but is gaining new fans. Among the clear advantages of color are its calming ability, a large number of shades and relevance outside of fashion trends..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
To make a blue-dominated bedroom more soulful, add warm tones and natural light shades: ivory, gold, sand, chocolate and Marsala for a sensual look..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Vanilla lightness. Shades of beige in the bedroom
Bright bedrooms with a predominance of delicate powdery or pastel shades always make a favorable impression and set up an extremely lyrical mood. Subtle combinations of complex tones are associated with elegant taste, imagination and luxury that you can afford, creating a bedroom interior.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
The influence of exquisite shades of vanilla, cream, powder, ashy undertones and pearlescent tints will be exceptional in the bedroom, and the northern and southern rooms will also benefit, since you can choose either a cold or a warm palette.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Bold zoning with vibrant colors
Orange, bright yellow, and especially reds for the bedroom can be too active, especially if used too actively and ineptly. It will be good if an energetic shade from the yellow-red range is included in the interior in small doses in a place where the gaze does not linger for a long time, for example, behind the head of the bed, in a niche at the table or as catchy accessories.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
By means of a rich color, one or another area of the room can be distinguished, and light shades-companions (beige, white, pale pink, pearl) will help to facilitate visual perception.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Natural palette. Shades of green in the bedroom
It is not for nothing that nature makes it possible to receive inspiration just by observing its phenomena and touching everything that surrounds us. After all, all that is needed for a harmonious unity with the environment and a safe rest in one’s own walls is the use of natural materials and natural shades.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Green, woody, sandy, terracotta, sunny, azure, white, smoky – these are the colors that are incredibly well combined with each other and with other tones, and also have a beneficial effect on our well-being, mood and vitality..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
In the bedroom, such a riot will seem organic and very beautiful, reflecting the true spirit of nature..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Languid rest. Brown in the bedroom
To want to dress a bedroom in dark shades (chocolate, night sky, black, graphite, swamp), the original room must have certain qualities and meet the criteria: illumination, space, style, needs and mood of residents.
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
It should be noted that dark tones are always ambiguous, and can depress the psyche. To prevent this from happening, combine similar colors with lots of white, as well as warm shades, reflective surfaces and shimmery decor..
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Choosing a color for the bedroom: practical advice
Good luck!