
All about landscape design


Landscaping – examples of arrangement

In a cozy and functional courtyard, where absolutely everything is thought out to the smallest detail and it is easier to live and more pleasant to relax. That is why the landscape design of the courtyard must be well planned. You should start planning the design of the site after a thorough assessment of its condition. All the existing shortcomings can be successfully turned into advantages, and the courtyard will look like a fabulous.


A site with high soil moisture located in a lowland can become a small, but its own reservoir, because constant reclamation is a rather laborious and costly business, and the result will not differ in permanence. The courtyard on the slope also has its advantages, the erosion-prone area quickly turns into an alpine slide, you just need to strengthen it with stones and choose suitable plants.


As often happens, the location is perfect, and there are no problems with the soil, but somehow there is not enough space, there is not enough square meters to walk around to realize all fantasies. Such a problem does not exist as such, the methods of visual correction of the space will make the yard more spacious, and the most important moment and the starting point for designing the landscape design of the yard of a private house is a single style solution. You need to start arranging the yard with an assessment of the architectural style of the house, since the mixture of styles looks at least not harmonious.


 Mandatory elements of the arrangement of landscape design

The functionality and comfort of the owners will be provided by several mandatory elements that should be in every home area.
1. Rest area with a canopy protecting from the scorching sun and bad weather, or a cozy gazebo with a comfortable bench.
2.Garden paths connecting different parts of the site. They are used for zoning space, and you don’t have to wade through the green lawn from house to garden.


3.In any country house there is a fireplace, a hearth in the yard or a barbecue area, and in this case you cannot do without a firewood.
4. The garden house is small in size and preferably hidden in a secluded corner of the yard. It is used to store agricultural implements, work clothes and other accessories..


5. Parking for vehicles will come in handy even if the owners of the house do not have their own car, guests who have arrived in their own vehicles will not have to leave equipment at the gate.


6.Outdoor lighting of each area of ​​the site will ensure safety at night
7 bike parking is usually located at the gate.


  Small area – tips

What needs to be done to create a fabulous cozy corner on a small square? First, choose the appropriate design direction, because not every style of landscape design is suitable for a small courtyard.


The most common and favorite style of decoration for small areas is now German. Its feature is rationality and brevity. All residents of the state of the same name are great aesthetes, therefore, in the German design style, they use unpretentious dwarf plants that do not lose their decorative effect throughout the year. In addition, in a small area there are all the necessary elements and zones, rock gardens, neat lawns and hedges, and a place to rest – and all this amazes with elegance and functionality at the same time..

  Features of arranging a small area in design

You should start organizing the landscape design of a small-sized courtyard by arranging the site at the entrance to the house. The coverage of this area is usually either rammed or hard. Since this part of the yard acts to some extent as a room adjacent to the house, it is advisable to choose the second option as a covering. Ideal materials for these purposes will be clinker bricks or natural stone paving stones..


The high cost of these materials is fully justified by the long service life and “warm and cozy” appearance. In addition, if the family has small children, if you fall on such a surface, there will be fewer knees knocked down, since natural materials are not as rough as concrete..
A small area simply obliges you to save every free centimeter of the site, especially when it comes to choosing plants for landscaping. The container method of planting plants in this case is the most effective, since, if necessary, they can be easily rearranged to another place, and removed to a room or basement for the winter.

Yard arrangement – garden furniture

The main condition for its use is that it should fit as naturally as possible into the dimensions of a small yard. Bulky and complex structures simply do not have enough space, and compact folding or collapsible chairs and tables on the contrary, can be carried to the desired place and hidden as needed.


Regarding materials for garden furniture, it is important to remember that plastic furniture of the “beach” type is completely inappropriate, it is better to choose wooden furniture or in combination with “weightless” forging.


Each individual courtyard needs an individual approach, but taking into account general recommendations and using only natural materials for decoration, you can create a fabulous cozy corner!

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