Nothing is more associated with a word «romance» like the old-fashioned Canopy bed, formerly the exclusive privilege of kings and queens. Charming and romantic – it gives the room a sense of warmth, intimacy and a certain grandeur.
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed is every woman’s dream? A romantic, cozy, sophisticated bed like this, perhaps, all girls on earth!
Four-poster bed – in the interior of any size and style
Canopy bed styles can vary quite a bit, from classic wood with carved legs to minimalist or Art Nouveau metal beds..
Canopy beds: options
Classic canopy beds, in most cases, have retained their Victorian aesthetic: carved, often ornate, decorative uprights, metal knobs, and draped and dense canopy fabric.
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
The modern version, on the other hand, has a laconic design, a minimum of details and simple geometric shapes. The materials are dominated by metal, sometimes in combination with wood, and the fabric is light and monochromatic.
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
In addition to the aesthetic functions, the canopy sometimes performs a number of practical ones: it protects the sleeping person from mosquitoes, dust or the sun. In general, four-poster beds are simply created for the most comfortable stay..
A canopy bed is not every woman’s dream!
Bed with canopy supports
The most popular and common base for a canopy is a four-post perimeter bed. Supports can be wood or metal, smooth or carved. The choice of bed depends on your wishes and the style of your interior. Interestingly, even without a canopy, such a bed looks very stylish..
Canopy bed
Canopy bed
Fastening the canopy on supports
There are many options for attaching a canopy on such supports, limited only by your imagination:
– the canopy can be hung like curtains around the perimeter, then the top of the bed will remain open, and each side in the daytime can be fixed at the support;
– lightweight transparent fabric can be simply thrown over the top, creating a romantic and secluded atmosphere;
Canopy bed
Best Canopy Bed Ideas: Bedroom Interior – Photo
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Canopy bed in the bedroom interior
Good luck!