Your bedroom can be light and romantic, or bright and spontaneous, classic or modern, but whether it will be comfortable depends on how well the furniture is placed in the room. It is the location of the main furnishings that can make the room cozy and comfortable; simple but effective rules will help you with this..
How to arrange furniture in the bedroom
In each individual case, comfort is important for the bedroom, which is achieved through the application of elementary laws of ergonomics. For example, in the room, along with the installed furniture, there should be enough space to easily move from the bed to the closet, and from it to the window.
How to arrange furniture in the bedroom
In addition, nothing should interfere with the opening (closing) of the front door and cabinet doors (pulling out its drawers). We will talk about these and other nuances further..
Free area standards
It is very good if the bedroom area is large enough – it will provide freedom for movement and movement around the bed, along the window and walls, as well as in the center of the room.
Ideally, the width of the aisles on the sides of the bed and in front of it should not be less than 70-80 cm.This is especially important if the bedroom is small.
Ergonomics of the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom
When it comes to a bedroom for an elderly person, it should be borne in mind that it is better to use furniture with rounded corners, and to install objects, guided by simple logic for the benefit of people living in the bedroom.
For example, near the bed, you should provide a place for an armchair or a bench with a back, so that it is convenient to put a blanket on them, sit down to change clothes, or just lean on your elbows. Also, it is necessary to think over the scheme of the main passages – they should not be «broken», otherwise an aged person will have to make unnecessary and uncomfortable turns. It is better to increase the width of the passages to 1-1.2 m.
Buy furniture according to the size of the room. So, for a bedroom with an area of 9-10 sq.m. a double bed with a size of 1.4×200 m (1.6×200 m) will be enough. A larger bed would be clearly inappropriate here and «will steal» valuable space, the room will look smaller than it actually is.
Ergonomics of the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom
Requirements for basic furniture
Only in spacious bedrooms with large windows can an additional chest of drawers or wardrobe for bedding be allowed. In a standard sized room, you should place your storage items very carefully so that the bedroom doesn’t turn into a weird, cluttered space. This impression may arise if, for example, you install a freestanding tall cabinet in the most conspicuous place: opposite the foot of the bed or close to the window.
It is better not to use overweight furniture in small rooms, but to order built-in wardrobes, with dimensions selected specifically for your bedroom. In order for even a massive structure to look organic and fit perfectly into the interior of a small room, care should be taken that the cabinet facades are made to match the color of the walls, becoming their logical functional continuation.
Ergonomics of the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom
So that while relaxing in the bedroom a person does not have a feeling of discomfort at the sight of a large wardrobe, it should be placed further from the bed in a corner, in a niche, or on a loggia (if any), so that the gaze meets a heavy object as little as possible.
How to arrange furniture in the bedroom
A dressing table is the same work table, only sitting at it, we take care of our own appearance. Naturally, the lighting here should be the best in the room, so it is better to install a table with a mirror closer to the window, in front of it, or to the side, as it will be convenient for you. For greater comfort, the dressing table mirror should be chosen so that the face in it is reflected from the top of the head to the shoulders, and another 10 cm around
Place for bed
You should not place the sleeping bed close to the doors – there will be an intuitive feeling of insecurity. It is also better not to put a bed under the window, drafts and noise are not the best companions for good rest and good health. Ideal for placing the bed in the bedroom – parallel to the window, or turning the foot towards it.
Ergonomics of the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom
In a narrow bedroom, you do not need to put the bed perpendicular «long» walls, and install it along, pressing the headboard against one of the end walls.
If the bedroom is designed for one person, it is recommended to install a single bed along, pressing one of the sides against the wall
Ergonomics of the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom
Play of mirrors
There are many requirements and conditions for mirrors in the bedroom, however, most often, they are installed, nevertheless, incorrectly.
The basic rule for the location of the mirror in the bedroom is: During rest, a person’s gaze should not intersect with his own reflection.
Ergonomics of the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom
It is most convenient and ergonomic to place mirrors in the bedroom as follows:
Above a high headboard (decorative mirrors).
At the foot of the bed (functional mirrors).
Near or opposite the cabinet (functional mirrors).
Ergonomics of the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom
For your own peace of mind, it is recommended to install one large mirror in the wardrobe area, but farther from the bed, rather than using several decorative mirrors facing each other and chaotically reflecting your every movement.
Ergonomics of the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom
Good luck!