
How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

The bedroom is one of the most important places in the apartment. Here we rest, relax, recuperate, do our hobbies and spend leisure time, therefore, the issue of planning an apartment and a bedroom, in particular, must be approached very seriously. Today we invite you to look at the layout of the bedroom from the point of view of the ancient science of harmonizing space feng shui.


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

According to the teachings of feng shui, it is generally accepted that there are three types of energy in the bedroom: Ying, Yang and Qi.

Ying  – it is a source of energy, symbolizing the feminine principle, in the interior it is displayed in light colors, soft textures

yang – a source of masculine energy, which is expressed in dark tones and symbolizes stability, sobriety of mind and decisions. There is a third, and in fact, the most important energy

Qi – it is a source of vitality and strength. No living creature in the world lives without Qi, so it is very important not to disturb its circulation. Otherwise, your life will be devoid of harmony, and things may not turn out in the best way. It is very important to follow the advice of Feng Shui so that you can balance the two strong sources of Ying and Yang, as well as fragile Qi..

Next, we will look at the basic techniques for harmonizing space using feng shui..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Location of the bedroom in the apartment

If you have a large apartment, that you can even choose a bedroom from several rooms, then we advise you to first decide what you would like from your bedroom.

Since the location of the bedroom relative to the parts of the world, they greatly change its overall aura and atmosphere, which will prevail in the bedroom as a whole.

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How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

South facing bedroom – will give you romance and passion, in the southern part of the house there is the strongest stimulation of intimate relationships. Therefore, if you want to add fire to your personal life, the bedroom in the South will help you with this..

Southeast the direction has a positive effect on the cash flow, and also contributes to business success.

But the Southwest the direction is unsuccessful in any case, as restless energy is seething there, which will take away restful sleep and can even cause anxiety and nervous tension.

North  It is considered one of the most successful, as it will give you a calm deep sleep, complete relaxation and restoration of strength. Although, for too calm people this direction will not work.

Northeast The layout of the bedroom stimulates the Chi too much and is therefore not suitable for people with sleep disorders and those under stress. It will only make things worse. If you have any problems with sleep or the nervous system, you should be very careful in choosing a room for a bedroom, and strictly adhere to Feng Shui tips.


bedroom decorated according to feng shui rules

Northwest very well suited for a mature couple who have been married for a long time, have good health and warm relations in the family. Such a bedroom will help support an already harmonious family..

Exciting energy of the East very well suited for newlyweds or just young people, as it will feed them with its unbridled energies, thereby giving strength to conquer new horizons, contributing to personal and social growth.

For those who want to enhance romantic relationships in the family or with their partner, we recommend placing the bedroom on West, which will help you in building personal relationships, but at the same time will not help in any way in attracting financial success and benefits.

Bedroom colors

In feng shui, it is believed that it is best to decorate the walls in light, pastel colors that are in tune with the Ying energy, which in turn gives calmness and balance.


Yin-style bedroom decoration: light colors

Pastel colors include a large number of colors and shades: milky, beige, peach, light green, lilac, pale pink, lilac, pale blue..

Of course, you choose what you like, but if you still decide to resort to feng shui, do not neglect these tips. And in the choice of colors in the bedroom, you should be very careful..

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Yin-style bedroom decoration: light colors

The male energy of Yang is expressed in a dark color scheme – it will not soothe, but invigorate, so be careful with bright and dark colors – use in small quantities: in decor, on bedding, in accessories.

Advice:  From the above, we can conclude – if you want to cheer up, add more dark colors to the interior, and vice versa – for pacification – less dark colors and more light colors.


Yang-style bedroom decoration: dark colors

 Feng Shui meaning of each color:


White color. Symbolizes calmness, purity and poise. This color frees the mind from aggressive impulses and creates a sense of calm and peace..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Blue colour. Reflects the ideal state of meditation. Dark shades of blue help to open the inner channels of human wisdom. In addition, blue – the color of the sea and sky – represents a connection with nature..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Purple. Symbolically, this color is considered the last in the spectrum of colors. It represents awareness of life situations, which, in turn, contributes to spiritual harmony and complete physical healing of a person..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Black color. It is considered a symbol of money and income. It can be used if you dream of achieving power or career success..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Yin colors promote motivation and stimulation. They fill with enthusiasm and energy.


Yellow. Represents the sun, which means it stimulates energy in the human body. Yellow attracts cheerfulness and friendliness, fills with positive. It should be borne in mind that an excess of this color can cause excitement and anxiety..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Orange color. Helps to formulate and express thoughts, stimulates the brain. Under the influence of this color, creativity increases and concentration of attention increases. Yang also includes red, gold, and burgundy. They represent luck, money and romance..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

These colors contribute to the realization of basic human instincts.

The arrangement of furniture in the bedroom

Of course, not only in feng shui, in the bedroom the main place is occupied by the bed. And a lot depends on where it will be located. An ideal bed is a small standard size bed without sharp corners (with rounded head and base corners). What means «small bed»? – We do not mean a small bed, just feng shui does not approve of huge beds..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

As for the rounded corners, this is necessary for the free circulation of Chi energy, otherwise it will cling to sharp corners on the furniture, and therefore lose its strength..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Feng Shui also believes that inside the bed, if there is a linen box, only bed linen can be stored. Since all the other things in which you walk down the street carry a layer of many energies that will destroy the positive Qi of your bed.

Bed location

Now let’s talk about placing your bed in the room. You can’t sleep with your feet to the doors and your head to the window. It is best to place the bed with the headboard against the wall, so that there is a window on the right, and in front and behind the wall. Touching the headboard to the wall will give you a restful deep sleep.


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

It is also taboo for a bed – to put it in the place where the door and window intersect, so you will sleep «on the aisle» energies, both good and bad, which means you will pass them through yourself. If possible, place the bed as far away from doors as possible, and keep them closed to keep energy out of the bedroom from other rooms. This is especially important when there are many people in the house..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Feng Shui does not accept a large number of things in the house as a whole, he insists only on really necessary things, and advises to regularly get rid of trash and all unnecessary. And in the bedroom, as in the whole house, there should be only those things and furniture that you use: a bed, a wardrobe, a couple of nightstands, lamps, a chest of drawers. Choose furniture with soft rounded shapes, for the reason already described above.

feng shui bedroom

How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Feng Shui also advises keeping all things in closed drawers, again for free circulation of Qi energy. As you may have noticed, all sharp and protruding shapes impede the flow of Chi, so it is best to avoid them..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

As for technique, it has a devastating effect on your sleep, as well as on the harmony of energies in the bedroom. And even being in another room, but at a distance of less than half a meter, any household item will dispel positive Qi.


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

We advise you to watch TV in the living room or in the kitchen, and thus protect the bedroom from negative effects.

Decor and accessories in the bedroom

As for the decor and accessories, here feng shui advises to maximize the love and romantic flows, paired figures will help you with this, paintings with the same pairs of people or animals.


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

An unlimited number of red and pink candles are ideal for a bedroom, an aroma lamp with various oils will be just as good.


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

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How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

Feng Shui strictly forbids hanging a mirror in the bedroom, especially in front of the bed. This will break all correctly tuned energy flows..


How to decorate a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui

It is also forbidden to keep any living creatures in the bedroom – from indoor flowers to parrots and rodents, as they will take the vital energy Qi from the inhabitants of the bedroom.

Let’s summarize:

Following the rules of feng shui is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is to choose the right place for the bedroom itself, as well as for the bed. Do not overload the bedroom with anything superfluous, do not let strangers into it.

Observing all these rules, your bedroom will become a cozy nest in which it will be easy and sweet for you to sleep.!

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