Scientists claim that a person spends a third of his life in a dream, which means that the place to sleep should be as cozy and comfortable as possible. The choice of wallpaper for the bedroom plays a very important role in the design of the bedroom, as they can help create a special relaxing atmosphere..
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
And despite the fact that today the choice of wallpapers is huge, it is often «their» not easy at all. Therefore, in order not to get confused in their variety, we propose to consider the main types of wallpaper:
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
What wallpaper to choose in the bedroom
Paper wallpaper.
They are smooth (single-layer paper), embossed (two or three layers of paper are pressed), and according to the method of drawing, they are divided into: primed (the pattern is applied to paper previously covered with a layer of paint), non-primed (the image is applied directly to the paper). Such a choice will be the most inexpensive, but one should not forget that they are not distinguished by their strength and durability..
Paper wallpaper for bedroom
Wallpaper from paper on the walls of the bedroom. Custom color paper wallpaper
Vinyl wallpapers.
The second name of such wallpapers is «washable». The fact is that they have a layer on top, thanks to this coating, the wallpaper becomes moisture resistant and can be washed. They are rarely used for bedroom design, more often for bathrooms and kitchens where humidity is high. Vinyl wallpaper can have a non-woven or paper backing. There is an opinion that paper-based wallpaper is better for the bedroom – they are more environmentally friendly.
Dark floral vinyl-based wallpaper in the bedroom interior.
Dark vinyl-based wallpaper in the bedroom interior.
Light vinyl-based wallpaper in the bedroom interior.
Textile wallpaper.
Modern wallpaper for a bedroom made of textiles is textile fibers glued onto a non-woven base. They look very impressive, especially in the bedroom. The only disadvantage of this choice is that they collect enough dust and do not tolerate direct sunlight..
Textile wallpaper
In addition to the material for making the tapestries, the drawing that is depicted on them plays a very important role. For the interior of the bedroom, wallpaper with any decor – floral, geometric, abstract, is acceptable. If the bedroom is not sufficiently lit, then it can be visually «lighten» making the walls light (cream, beige wallpaper). Combined wallpaper for the bedroom will perfectly cope with the task of zoning the bedroom, for example, a bright drawing near the bed, will separate the sleeping area.
Textile wallpaper
When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, you should remember the main features
1. Horizontal stripes visually reduce the height of the room.
2. Vertical stripes «eat» total volume, such a pattern is permissible only in large areas, where the task is to reduce the area.
3. Rhombuses and trapezoids on the wallpaper visually expand the room.
4. In small bedrooms, light wallpaper looks good (variations with a small pattern are possible), you should also avoid large, contrasting and bright patterns.
five. Frequent and large elements reduce space, look very impressive on large areas.
6. When zoning the space in the bedroom, you should select wallpaper for the bedroom in such a way that the color change from one part of the room to another is smooth, you can also stick one type of wallpaper (more neutral) on three walls, and make the fourth brighter.
3D wallpaper: accent wall
The use of curbs or moldings that horizontally demarcate the space creates an effect «security», which is especially good for bedroom design.
Wallpaper in the bedroom
The accent wall behind the headboard is a great way to add flavor to your bedroom. Wallpaper with a bright pattern and colors will cope with the task of accentuation. They can paste over both the entire wall behind the bed, and only the part that is located directly behind the headboard.
Accent wall in the bedroom interior
And the most important thing to remember is that the colors and textures greatly affect both the residents themselves, their health, activity, efficiency and mood, and the perception of this room as a whole..
Wallpaper in the bedroom: photo
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design – wallpaper with imitation of a brick wall wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Bedroom design wallpapers and images
Good luck!