Do it yourself

DIY mini garden is easy

garden in miniature

In half an hour you can not do so much, but this time is enough for you to create your own little masterpiece – a garden in miniature. A living plant, surrounded by a harmonious entourage, the presence of the energy of the earth and fire, will charge you with additional forces in moments of fatigue and give calmness in moments of anxiety. Do-it-yourself mini garden will not only delight you, decorate the interior, but will certainly cause delighted reviews from guests.

To create a miniature garden you will need the following tools and materials:

  • deep dish made of transparent glass of large diameter,
  • small tree, such as bonsai,
  • smooth pebbles of different colors and sizes,
  • fine river sand, red and white,
  • moss, artificial,
  • candlestick-lantern, candles.

DIY mini garden

Creating a mini garden with your own hands begins with installing a tree in a pot, slightly offset from the center. Next, randomly lay out the previously washed and dried pebbles all over the bottom of the bowl. We continue to place them until the dish is filled at least to the middle in height..

garden in miniature

Spread white sand evenly around the pot with the plant. Fill the remaining area with red sand. As a result, we should get a red and white sandy garden field in miniature.

garden in miniature

We install the candlestick lantern directly next to the tree.

garden in miniature

Next, artistically lay out the “paths” of dark pebbles. Several stones of larger sizes, distribute according to your taste, in groups of 2-3, no more than three pairs.

DIY mini garden

Divide the artificial moss into pieces of different sizes and place them around and around large stones. DIY mini garden is almost ready, it remains to choose places for candles and install them.

garden in miniature

Place the first candle inside the lantern, place three more candles in the places you like. As an addition, you can add a few incense sticks, they will perfectly stick among the stones, and not only decorate your garden in miniature, but also fill the room with pleasant aromas of incense.

garden in miniature

Congratulations! Your personal garden in miniature is created and ready to bring you joy and warmth.

garden in miniature

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