More recently, we have already published an article on the theme of decorating a bedroom according to the rules of feng shui, in which we described all the subtleties of a successful bedroom layout. But nevertheless, we would like to separately highlight the topic of placing a bed in bedrooms, and not only from the point of view of feng shui, but also from the side of a simple layman who is primarily interested in the practical side of the issue.
So, let’s define the basic rules for placing your bed, which will become the key to healthy sleep and relaxation..
Choosing a bed
The bed should be, first of all, comfortable, moderately hard, an orthopedic mattress would be an ideal option, and the bed may have a frame made of flexible slats;
Next up is a question of functionality, whether you want a real bed or a pull-out sofa. Of course, in this matter, a lot depends on the size of the bedroom and the apartment as a whole;
And already in third place is the question of its appearance – it should match the rest of the furniture and decoration of the room.
Choosing a place for a bed
It will be ideal if you have a small alcove or a niche for a bed – then you will have a small cozy «mink», in which you can always lie down. Why do many people love small, compact places, since childhood – the answer lies in our psychology, it is still connected with the mother’s womb, in which it was very cozy, comfortable and safe. Therefore, many people strive to place a bed against at least one wall, or very much like to make a bedroom from an attic room;
The next rule – it is one with feng shui – do not put the bed on the same straight line with the door and window. It so often happens that in standard apartment layouts, window and door openings coincide and are on the same line. So, in addition to the fact that it is bad for feng shui, it is also not very convenient. After all, if someone comes to visit, then with the door open, they will be able to see the most secluded place in the bedroom – the bed. Do not forget about the drafts, which always stretch from window to door, and this is fraught with colds;
The bed standing by the window is also not always comfortable, because bright sunlight or noise from the street can wake you up from time to time. But if there is no other place for a bed, take care of good dense curtains that will help keep you calm..
How to arrange the bed in the bedroom
Let’s consider the options for the location of the bed in the bedroom using the example of one room.
Bed near the wall. Good location.
The head of the bed is near the window. Unsuccessful decision, you should not put the bed headboard to the window. With such an arrangement, there is not enough support, a reliable rear, since there is no wall behind your head. If you have to sleep with your headboard to the window, then cover the window with blackout curtains at night..
Bed in the center of the bedroom. An unsuccessful decision, since with this arrangement the bed does not «supports» in the form of a wall.
The bed is opposite the door. Bad decision, don’t put the bed in front of the front door. If the configuration of the room does not allow you to place the bed differently, put some object at your feet that would separate it from the door – a screen, whatnot, or a wooden trellis with climbing plants. This item must be above the level of the bed
Important details
If you put the bed against the wall, do not hang anything heavy or bulky on it, because this all creates discomfort for the same reasons, and besides, a shelf or some things may sooner or later fall right on you in a dream. The same goes for low chandeliers;
Try to place a TV or computer as far from the bed as possible – this will help preserve your vision, and harmful radiation will have time to dissipate at a distance of several meters;
If you love reading, take care of an extra light source and a small table or nightstand to store your books on. It is also good to think about a light switch in advance in close proximity to the bed, then you do not have to get up to turn it off when you are already in a sleepy state;
There is one more important nuance – heavy bedspreads and blankets will prevent you from sleeping properly, because all night they will put pressure on you with their weight and not allow you to freely change your position, so be careful when choosing bedding;
An important issue in addition to linen is a pillow for sleeping – your sleep very often depends on its quality and shape. After all, as often happens, if you sleep all night in an uncomfortable position – in the morning there will be a headache or worse – the nerve can jam. Therefore, the pillow, like the mattress, should be moderately soft and comfortable..
Read also:
«How to decorate a bedroom
according to the rules of feng shui»
Yulia Danilova
Interior designer