Zoning a children’s room is a very important task, because the development and formation of the child’s personality depends on how comfortable and functional the baby’s room will be. The more thoughtful the interior is, the more comfortable and interesting the baby will spend time on «their territory». For zoning, you can use podiums, furniture – transformers or combined wallpaper. Most often, zoning is carried out using screens and partitions, but this must be done so that it is convenient for the child to move around the room, avoiding sharp corners.
The territory of the children’s room should be divided into at least three parts:
How to make a design in a nursery: zones
Rest zone
In fact, such a zone for a child is his sleeping place. Until a baby under 3 years old is well suited for a cradle bed, when he grows up a little – it can be a car-shaped bed or a ship-bed (the main thing to remember when choosing is the correct bed size). If the family has two children, and the area of the room is not large, then a bunk bed will be a good way out of the situation, it will help save space and add functionality to the room. For zoning a place for rest, podiums, screens and bedside lamps with dim lights are often used..
How to make a design in a nursery
How to make a design in a nursery
Study area
Older children need to have a study area in the room. Not only interesting leisure, but also the child’s desire to learn depends on the convenience of the room. The place for study should be comfortable (for correct posture, you need to choose a comfortable chair and a table at which the student can sit straight without stooping) and it is also important that the child likes to be in the work area so that he is interested.
How to make a design in a nursery
How to make a design in a nursery
For example, a good solution would be to install a drawing board or easel, you can put a globe, a spyglass, hang an atlas.
How to make a design in a nursery
How to make a design in a nursery
Such things will help the baby in development and will be able to contribute in every way to his mental activity. The study area should be well lit, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of desktop and additional lighting of the child’s desktop, a place near the window would be ideal. Also, you need to allocate space for bookshelves to store books and school supplies..
Game Zone
To visually delimit the play area, you can use color zoning or combined wallpaper. The wall near which the child will play can be pasted over with photo wallpaper or tapestries with bright drawings.
How to make a design in a nursery
A place for games, in addition to all kinds of soft toys, constructors, cars and dolls, can be combined with a sports corner by additionally installing a wall bars, a rope or a horizontal bar. The lighting in this area should also be bright..
How to make a design in a nursery
In the game, the child develops and learns skills that will be useful in adult life (you can fill the child with toys related to adult activities). For example, for a girl to make a toy kitchen, and for a boy a mini-workshop.
How to make a design in a nursery
Even if the children’s room is very small and full zoning cannot be carried out, it must be done at least conditionally so that the child knows what this or that place is intended for..
How to make a design in a nursery
How to make a design in a nursery
How to make a design in a nursery
How to make a design in a nursery
Good luck!