
Making a screen with your own hands from fabric: step by step

Fabric screen in the garden

In order to create a cozy corner in the garden or just sunbathe away from the inquisitive glances of neighbors, a garden screen is very useful. The main requirements for it are ease of installation and portability..

One of the simplest and most affordable types of garden screens is a fabric screen. It is easy to do it yourself – there is nothing complicated. We offer you to watch a master class on making a simple and comfortable fabric screen.

Step by step photos of the manufacturing process:

The process of cutting a bar on an electric saw

Screwing in the corners for fastening the screen frame
Corner for fixing the frame
Crafting tools
Screen making hammer
Attaching hooks to the frame
Attaching the rope to hooks
Screwing the legs onto the screen frame
Ready-made version of the screen

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