Do it yourself

How to make a home screen with your own hands?

home screen

Sometimes a situation arises when a room needs to be artificially divided, for example, to fence off the work area from the bed or create a light barrier for a baby cradle. In this case, it is not necessary to make repairs and erect partitions, it is not even necessary to buy a wardrobe or curtains, you can solve the issue with the help of such an undeservedly forgotten interior item as a screen for the house. We offer you a step-by-step guide on how to make a screen with your own hands..

To make a screen, we need the following materials:

  • wooden beam (4 × 4 cm),
  • fabric – linen (3 × 1.4 cm),
  • strong threads,
  • beige acrylic paint,
  • medium-width brushes,
  • sander or sandpaper,
  • putty for wood surfaces,
  • hinges for the opening system, two pieces per section,
  • screwdriver, hammer,
  • roulette,
  • saw,
  • screws, decorative nails,
  • ruler, pencil, scissors.

Diagram with the dimensions of the design of the screen for the house.

home screen

We mark the timber (4×4) with the calculation of six bars of one hundred and eighty and six bars of fifty centimeters.

screen making

Next, to make a screen, we cut a block along the markings.

screen making

We process wooden blanks with sandpaper or a grinding machine, until smooth.

home screen

We begin a preliminary constructive layout of the screen for the house. We spread the long bars on top of each other in pairs, at a distance of 50 cm. Short bars – jumpers, place a pair, between the long bars, step 15 cm from both edges. Place the third short bar in the middle. We fasten all the bars with long screws from the end, on both sides. We fasten all three sashes in a similar way.

How to make a screen with your own hands

How to make a screen with your own hands smoother? It is necessary to carry out preliminary work to close all irregularities and cracks – with putty, after drying, we will sand the putty places with fine sandpaper.

home screen

After completing the preparation of the surface of the future screen for the house, paint the tree with the paint you like.

Screen making

The production of the screen, which carries it, is almost complete. We proceed to cutting the fabric. On the fabric we measure six large rectangles with dimensions 152×50 and twelve small rectangles 30×25 centimeters.

Screen making

We leave at least one and a half centimeters for the allowance around the perimeter of each workpiece.

home screen

Our home screen will not only perform the function of zoning, but will also be a convenient place to store newspapers, papers and other trifles. To do this, on each of the three large canvases, we place four pockets in two rows. We do a preliminary fitting, choose the height. Next, we fold the fabric under the pocket along the hem line, sweep and attach on the machine.

home screen

We connect individual doors using hinges.

Screen making

The production of the screen proceeds to its final stage – with the help of decorative nails and a hammer, we nail the fabric with folded edges to the sashes. On the inside, the canvases are attached in the same way, in this case we use canvases without pockets.

How to make a screen with your own hands

Congratulations! How to make a screen with your own hands – you know for sure that it’s simple!

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