Do it yourself

Portrait of an African woman made of flowers – paper decor using the “quilling” technique

Portrait of an African woman made of flowers - paper decor in the technique of `` quilling ''

Portrait of an African woman made of flowers – paper decor in technique «quilling»

People have always strived for beauty. The desire to surround yourself with beautiful things is quite natural, as they evoke positive emotions, improve mood and even give strength. It is pleasant to contemplate the beautiful, but it is much more interesting to create it with your own hands and feel like a magician and a wizard, capable of creating a miracle from ordinary things.

Portrait of an African woman made of paper

Portrait of an African woman made of paper

Quilling is the modern art of making appliqués from thin, long strips of paper twisted into a spiral. We offer to create your own contemporary masterpiece with an ethnic touch. It will be a silhouette of an African woman with colorful flowers in a luxurious head of hair. An exclusive piece of art can be used as an original wall decoration, as an element of decoration of a gift box, as a lampshade for a lamp or candle. It all depends on limitless fantasy.
We need:
• 3 and 6 mm (or 5 mm) multi-colored quilling paper,
• 1 A4 sheet of black color,
• quilling pen or needle,
• liquid paper glue,
• scissors,
• quilling board,
• fantasy and ingenuity

Step 1: drawing and cutting the silhouette

Cut out the silhouette

Cut out the silhouette

Draw the silhouette yourself or download its stencil from the Internet (in this case, we are dealing with A4 format, but it can be adjusted at will). Draw a sketch on black paper (it is more convenient to do this from the back) and cut out.

Step 2: Create Spiral Blanks

Create blanks

Create blanks

Make various blanks with a quilling pen or needle. The quilling handle is very easy to use, but it leaves a mark inside the finished element; the quilling needle is more difficult to use, but the blanks created with it will be perfectly twisted.

Create blanks

Create blanks

For this composition, you need to make the following elements:
1. Free roll
2. Dense roll
3. Eccentric ring
4. Eccentric drop
5. Marquis

Finished items

Finished items

Combine 3mm and 6mm quilling paper to create a subtle relief.

Step 3: gluing quilling elements

Bonding quilling elements

Bonding quilling elements

Apply liquid glue to glue the pieces together. It is more convenient to do this with a brush or toothpick..

Gluing curls to a silhouette

Gluing curls to a silhouette

Glue all the elements together and only then glue the entire composition to the silhouette to avoid surface contamination.

Bonding quilling elements

Bonding quilling elements

Experiment with layering elements on top of each other to achieve a 3d effect.

Step 4: the composition is ready!

Portrait of an African woman made of flowers

Portrait of an African woman made of flowers

The composition is ready as a lamp shade

The composition is ready as a lamp shade

Stick the entire composition onto a plain sheet of paper (white, yellow, etc.) or use it as a lampshade for a lamp, securing it with double-sided tape at the base of the lamp. Enjoy a masterpiece made with your own hands and amaze your family and friends!

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