Today we will focus on an interesting and at first glance complex topic – non-standard accents in the interior. Why difficult? Firstly, we will focus on rather bold decisions, and not everyone is ready for such steps. Secondly, original and non-standard accents can easily ruin the appearance of a room. In our article we will tell you how and where it is appropriate to apply accents and share a few original ideas that will help diversify your interior..
Bright contrasting moldings
This is the easiest and most affordable method to add contrast to the interior. The main rule is that it is necessary that the color of the moldings echoes with any large object in the room. It can be the color of a sofa or chairs, the color of doors or textile accents..
In the photo below, you can see how beautiful window frames, moldings and doorways look in one color. Due to the fact that the whole room is designed in pastel colors, there is no cutting contrast between the color of the walls and the decoration.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
A bolder solution is to use bright, contrasting colors that will make the room truly cheerful. Note that some of the pillows, in the example below, are bright red, thereby all interior elements are combined into a single whole..
“ Bright accents are especially good in understated Scandinavian interiors ”
Out-of-the-box accents in design
A new look at the classics
A very bold, but ultimately a winning move, install bright emerald windows of a classic form in a light pastel interior, which make the monotonous interior bright and boring. And all you had to do was add some color..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Continuing the theme of how bright colors can decorate any, even the most boring conservative interior. In the image below, you can see that door and window openings, as well as ceiling moldings, wonderfully fit into the interior and fulfilled their main function – they introduced accents and marked the boundaries of the walls, ceiling and windows..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
And here is an example that accents can be dim, but on the contrary calm, pastel and barely noticeable. From which one more rule can be derived – each case is individual and there are no general rules for each room. Just remember that the range of color combinations is incredible..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
A classic interior without large volumetric moldings is simply unthinkable. Therefore, in this example, we see a very standard application of them. As in the photo before, along with the windows, fireplace, beams – the room received a wonderful frame.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Colored doorways
This method is as simple and good-looking as colored moldings. Thanks to this, you can easily revive any interior. The advantage of this approach is that it is not necessary to install new doors and door frames, it will be enough just to paint them in the required color..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
The owners of the room in this image very well selected the contrasting wall decoration: molding in the inner room, doorway and molding, but already the next wall, form an original perspective..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
A beautiful and stylish combination – milky walls and dark blue doorways. Notice how traditional «marine colors» became pleasant and warm and do not associate us with the sea, but become a new reading of the classics. This is facilitated by the warm tone in all colors. Warm walls and subtle warm accents in the blue color of the finish create an extraordinary atmosphere of coziness in a minimalist design.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Unusual window frames
In the past few years, it has become very fashionable to paint frames in bright colors, especially in a color that matches the view outside the window. As in this photo, there are bright light green frames, and a park can be seen behind, because the windows merge with the surrounding space and are like a continuation of the view from the window.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
For those who like to break stereotypes – bright pink and purple windows in a simple, unremarkable house. This house with black or brown windows would look completely gloomy and uninteresting, so this is an example of how the whole building has changed radically just due to the color of the windows..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
The same principle is a delicate dairy kitchen and a soft green window overlooking the garden. In this case, it becomes the main accent in the design of the kitchen, drawing all attention to itself, but at the same time, turning our gaze into the garden – outside the window..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Bright windows will perfectly fit into an eclectic original interior. When there is already a lot of bright things in the room, the rich colors of the windows will only further enhance this sonorous «a song». In addition to bright windows, this bedroom has another interesting technique – a contrasting ceiling molding-beam. To slightly outline the edges of the high mansard ceiling, the designer decided to add a bright wooden molding in a juicy green color..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
A vivid illustration of the principle «tandem» – orange windows and orange chairs blend beautifully, despite the calm, minimalist backdrop of walls and kitchen furniture. Just a few accents made the kitchen look completely different: bright, colorful, cozy and sun-drenched.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Custom window shapes or sizes
If you decide to experiment with the shape of windows, you need to take care of this in advance at the stage of renovating an apartment or building a house. You will definitely not find triangular or trapezoidal windows in your neighbors! With the help of windows, you can regulate the amount of light in the house, but you can also add extraordinary accents that will leave no one indifferent..
Out-of-the-box accents in design
The high ceiling gives a wide range of possibilities, in the example below, the architect decided to place a series of narrow dormer windows, which resemble light wells in ancient temples – and the result is a stylish accent technique.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
A window with a corner in the house is a rather complicated technical solution, but it has advantages: unusual, beautiful, a lot of light during the day, and a beautiful starry sky at night.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
When you have such a gorgeous view outside your window, it’s simply a sin not to make yourself a large corner or panoramic window.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
This is what we meant when we talked about complex layouts. To add light to the dark hallway, I had to insert a small window that works like «light well».
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Contrast molding, plinth, as well as unusual lancet-shaped windows create a beautiful and stylish interior, all together looks expensive and tasteful.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Accent fireplace
An accent wall with a fireplace is nothing new at first glance, but if you think about it, then it can be interesting to beat it. In our photo, not only the fireplace is lined with stone, but the entire wall to the ceiling.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Tiered light
With this approach to lighting, the entire kitchen shone with light. Luminaires in the ceiling box, in wardrobes, in the niche of wardrobes create an unusually warm and pleasant atmosphere. A large amount of light in different places accentuates the beneficial sides of the design and, of course, perfectly fulfills its direct function – it illuminates the kitchen.
Out-of-the-box accents in design
Summing up, we would like to reiterate the importance of accents in interior design. With their help, you can easily achieve the desired effect – to highlight the strengths and hide the weaknesses of the design. Accents help to correctly place attention at the right points of the room, and also with their help you can decorate any, even the most ordinary interior.